Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential Debate

I'd like to open things up with saying I'm not a fan of either of the candidates, but Romney truly did put on quite the show.  He pretty much ruled the debate for the first part of it, literally he just stretched out his answer to every question to an unnecessary extent.  But he did a damn good job at it a couple times and literally ran circles around Obama's current policies pointing out all the flaws.  One error that Romney made that I'd like to point out is that the Constitution does not in fact include or mention God.  However other than that, as much as I hate to say it, Romney really did bring in some heavy hitting points to the debate.
However, a little past half way in Obama came back and really just started bringing up point after point, making himself look a lot better than he did when Romney was on his tangents.  Obama started really bringing in some heat in return to Romney's earlier doing so.  However this only lasted so long because once the topic of school came around it was back to back rebuttal but it appears to me that Romney really won it with his statements on Massachusetts having the number one schools in the country.
In the closing statement, Obama really just pushed a super pro-American point of view saying that if reelected that he would help make the change he was unable to make in his first four years. Romney really had more of an arrogant aire to his closing statement pretty much saying "my policies are without doubt superior to President Obama's."  
Overall, the debate, in my opinion, went to Romney.  The people on abc speaking on it afterwards called it a draw going in favor to Obama but I have to disagree.  While Romney did do most of the talking at first there were a few things Obama said that really played in his favor.  Romney's statements on healthcare/medicare really just solidified his victory here.  He really gained some points for the voters who haven't decided yet.  But hey thats just me, post in the comments below how you feel about the debate!

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