Friday, January 20, 2012

Learn about SOPA and PIPA

We've received word that SOPA and PIPA are getting voted on in only 4 days. We need to speak about this while we still can, because on January 24th the possibility exists that we would get shut down for even debating about this act. For those of you that don't know, SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), and PIPA (Protect IP Act) are acts in the House of Representatives and Senate respectively that in short want to censor your usage of the internet. What this means for us, the citizens, is that if you were to put a video of you and your friends having fun singing along to a song at a party on your FaceBook, the entire website could be shut down for copyright infringement. Also, if you attempt to use foreign based websites to get around these acts, then the government will block your IP from internet usage. Users of YouTube, FunnyJunk, 4Chan, Twitter, Wikipedia, Reddit, and many other websites, will all be shut down, or censored to the point where the sites are pointless. In this falling economy, your government is more concerned with the websites that you visit than bringing money back into our pockets and jobs back to the people.Wikipedia and Google have been launching ad campaigns against these acts which you should check out on their sites. Tell us your opinions on SOPA and PIPA in the comments below.

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